The fastest way to build applications, share your software, and enjoy doing it.
The new developer evolution.
Download (1.4.4.Final) Get Started Now(Looking for Forge 2?)
Quick Install
The fastest and easiest way to install Forge on any operating system is through the use of JBoss Tools or JBoss Developer Studio , where Forge comes pre-installed and makes use of IDE GUI integration. Alternatively, on OSX, you can also use Homebrew to install Forge natively for use on the command-line, via "brew install jboss-forge".
- Ensure that you have already installed a Java 6+ JDK.
- Download and Un-zip Forge (or a recent snapshot build ) into a folder on your hard-disk, this folder will be your FORGE_HOME
- Add '$FORGE_HOME/bin' to your path ( windows , linux , mac osx )
- * Consider installing Git and Maven 3.0+ (both optional)
- Open a command prompt and run 'forge' (if you are on Windows, you will need to run forge.bat unless using a Unix-style terminal)
Latest News
Forge 2.6.0.Final Released
2014-5-22: George Gastaldi, Lincoln Baxter, III, Vineet Reynolds
JBoss Forge 2.6.0.Final is now available! The Forge Team is proud to announce that JBoss Forge 2.6.0.Final is now available! This is the best release so far. What’s new and noteworthy? Component Upgrades: We’ve upgraded to Weld 2.2.1.Final, Aesh 0.54 and Roaster 2.4.0.Final. More stability and new features available out-of-the-box! And that’s not all!...
Forge 2.5.0.Final (Coal) Released
2014-4-24: George Gastaldi, Lincoln Baxter, III, Vineet Reynolds
JBoss Forge 2.5.0.Final is now available! The Forge Team is proud to announce that JBoss Forge 2.5.0.Final is now available! This is the best release so far. What’s new and noteworthy? Performance: We have introduced more performance enhancements in the Furnace runtime, so the shell and other features should feel quite a bit...
Forge 2.4.1.Final (Roasted) Released
2014-4-7: George Gastaldi, Lincoln Baxter, III, Vineet Reynolds
JBoss Forge 2.4.1.Final is now available! The Forge Team is proud to announce that JBoss Forge 2.4.1.Final is now available! This is the best release so far. What’s new and noteworthy? Performance: We have introduced some major performance enhancements in the Furnace runtime, so the shell and other features should feel quite a...
Forge 2.3.0.Final (Platinumsmith) Released
2014-3-20: George Gastaldi, Lincoln Baxter, III, Vineet Reynolds
JBoss Forge 2.3.0.Final is now available! The Forge Team is proud to announce that JBoss Forge 2.3.0.Final is now available! This is the best release so far. What’s new and noteworthy? Highlight your files: The cat command now supports a -c (or —color if you like to type more) to colorize a file. Meet...
Forge 2.2.0.Final (Goldsmith) Released
2014-3-17: George Gastaldi, Lincoln Baxter, III, Vineet Reynolds
JBoss Forge 2.2.0.Final is now available! The Forge Team is proud to announce that JBoss Forge 2.2.0.Final is now available! This is the best release so far. What’s new and noteworthy? The Prompts are back in town: Required options are now prompted for you if you forgot to fill in a value. BOM BOM...
Forge 2.1.1.Final (Silversmith) Released
2014-2-28: George Gastaldi, Lincoln Baxter, III, Vineet Reynolds
JBoss Forge 2.1.1.Final is now available! The Forge Team is proud to announce that JBoss Forge 2.1.1.Final is now available! 51 issues were resolved since the last release and we migrated more commands and introduced some neat features in the UI addon. This is the best release so far. In addition,...
Forge 2.0.0.Final (Furnace) Released
2014-1-29: Lincoln Baxter, III, George Gastaldi, Koen Aers, Vineet Reynolds, Stäle Pedersen
JBoss Forge 2.0.0.Final is now available! After two years of hard work, the Forge Team proudly presents the release of JBoss Forge 2.0.0.Final (codename Furnace). Please let us know if you encounter any issues, or have any feedback on usability, at http://issues.jboss.org/browse/FORGE. Thank you for your patience and for all of your...
Forge 2.0.0.CR2 (Heat) Released
2014-1-28: Lincoln Baxter, III, George Gastaldi
JBoss Forge 2.0.0.CR2 is now available! Almost there. The Forge Team proudly presents the release of JBoss Forge 2.0.0.CR2. Final should be released in just two more days. As we near the end of waiting, it’s crucial that you give us your feedback, so please try CR2 (codename “Smolder”) and let...
Forge 1.4.4.Final Released
2014-1-24: George Gastaldi, Lincoln Baxter, III
JBoss Forge 1.4.4.Final is now available! The Forge Team is proud to announce the immediate availability of Forge 1.4.4.Final. Release Notes Bug [FORGE-1254] – calling setStatic(true) on a static method add keyword "static" twice [FORGE-1343] – ...
Forge 2.0.0.CR1 (Heat) Released
2014-1-15: Vineet Reynolds, Lincoln Baxter, III, George Gastaldi
JBoss Forge 2.0.0.CR1 is now available! New year, new releases. The Forge Team proudly presents the release of JBoss Forge 2.0.0.CR1. We are very close to releasing the Final version of Forge 2; however, given some Windows issues in the Shell addon, we decided to postpone 2.0.0.Final after they can be...
Forge 2.0.0.Beta4 (Pound) Released
2013-12-26: Vineet Reynolds, Lincoln Baxter, III, George Gastaldi
JBoss Forge 2.0.0.Beta4 is now available! We are pleased to announce the release of JBoss Forge 2.0.0.Beta4, a Forge Runtime that features a streamlined programming model for Addon developers as well as a wide array of new Commands for developing Java EE applications. In this version, we did a lot of refactoring,...
Forge 1.4.3.Final Released
2013-11-18: Lincoln Baxter, III, George Gastaldi
JBoss Forge 1.4.3.Final is now available! The Forge Team is proud to announce the immediate availability of Forge 1.4.3.Final. Release Notes Bug [FORGE-1221] – scaffold views template uses backslashes instead of forward slashes [FORGE-1279] – ...
Forge 1.4.2.Final Released
2013-10-17: Lincoln Baxter, III, George Gastaldi
JBoss Forge 1.4.2.Final is now available! After exactly 1 month since the last release, we are proud to announce the immediate availability of Forge 1.4.2.Final. Release Notes Bug [FORGE-1212] – REST endpoint findById doesn't handle NoResultException [FORGE-1219] – ...
Forge 2.0.0.Alpha13 (Lucky Thirteen) Released
2013-10-3: Lincoln Baxter, III, George Gastaldi
JBoss Forge 2.0.0.Alpha13 is now available! We are pleased to announce the release of “Lucky Thirteen”, a Forge Runtime that features a streamlined programming model for Addon developers (no more @Exported annotation,) as well as a wide array of new Commands for developing Java EE applications. Try out Forge 2 in Eclipse...
Forge 1.4.1.Final Released
2013-9-17: Lincoln Baxter, III, George Gastaldi
JBoss Forge 1.4.1.Final is now available! It’s a great day for progress – Going forward, we’re putting Forge 1.x into maintenance mode. This means that new features will target Forge 2.x; only bug-fixes will be accepted for the 1.x stream. The next JBoss Forge generation (Forge 2.0.0.Final) is due in...
Forge 1.4.0.Final Released, and Forge 2.0 is just around the corner
2013-8-21: George Gastaldi, Vineet Reynolds, Lincoln Baxter III
JBoss Forge 1.4.0.Final is now available! After month of hard work, we are pleased to announce that JBoss Forge 1.4.0.Final is now available – with a metric ton of new features and bug-fixes. Check out what’s new and noteworthy in this lovely release! Improved Microsoft Windows experience – The Windows experience just...
Forge 1.3.3.Final Released
2013-7-15: George Gastaldi
JBoss Forge 1.3.3.Final is now available! Release Notes Bug [FORGE-593] – Forge swallows first character of user input after restarting (typically from plugin installation) [FORGE-856] – JSF scaffold from entity...
Forge 1.3.2.Final Released
2013-6-26: George Gastaldi
JBoss Forge 1.3.2.Final is now available for download! We are so excited in releasing new versions that we decided to release another one just in time for the next version of JBoss Tools. Release Notes Bug [FORGE-913] – ...
Forge 1.3.1.Final Released
2013-6-17: George Gastaldi
JBoss Forge 1.3.1.Final is now available for download! Check out the release notes below and see why Forge IS the best JavaEE development tool. Period. Release Notes Bug [FORGE-907] – Project finalName is expected in a Maven...
Forge 1.3.0.Final Released
2013-5-15: George Gastaldi
JBoss Forge 1.3.0.Final is now available for download ! It is with great pleasure that we announce that JBoss Forge 1.3.0.Final is now available. Why the minor update ? Check it out. New and Noteworthy Scaffold-x plugin: We have taken the Scaffold plugin to another level. This plugin was designed from ground up...
Forge 1.2.3.Final Released
2013-4-10: George Gastaldi
JBoss Forge 1.2.3.Final is now available for download ! Release Notes Bug [FORGE-830] – RestPlugin should throw IllegalArgumentException if no domain entity is provided [FORGE-849] – Forge update asks to...
Forge Update Issue
2013-4-8: George Gastaldi
Forge Update issue We have recently discovered an issue with the forge update command that allows people to update to non-final and unstable versions. This is fixed in 1.2.3.Final, so we kindly ask you to avoid using “forge update” on previous versions since it will prompt you to update to Forge 2.0.0.Alpha versions...
Update your maven dependencies automatically
2013-3-8: George Gastaldi
Update your maven dependencies automatically New versions of software are released every day, and it is hard to keep your project up-to-date with the latest version of a dependency declared in your pom.xml Fortunately, in 1.2.2.Final, JBoss Forge provides a new command to make things easier: maven update This command will scan each dependency...
Forge 1.2.2.Final Released
2013-3-8: George Gastaldi
JBoss Forge 1.2.2.Final is now available for download ! Release Notes Bug [FORGE-725] – Tests Failing on Windows 7 [FORGE-787] – Forge update is not working correctly in Windows [FORGE-799] –...
Forge 1.2.1.Final Released
2013-2-15: George Gastaldi
JBoss Forge 1.2.1.Final is now available for download ! Release Notes Bug [FORGE-745] – Can not use Java Parser in war deployment on AS7 [FORGE-751] – MavenDependencyFacet cause ConcurrentModificationException [FORGE-752] –...
Forge 1.2.0.Final Released
2013-1-15: Lincoln Baxter, III
JBoss Forge 1.2.0.Final is now available for download ! Release Notes Bug [FORGE-621] – Support Weblogic 12c as a container in the Persistence plugin [FORGE-727] – Starting forge with debug...
Forge 1.1.3.Final Released
2012-12-14: George Gastaldi
JBoss Forge 1.1.3.Final is now available for download ! Release Notes Bug [FORGE-704] – org.jboss.forge.parser.java.impl.FieldImpl<O> do not handle byte[] class [FORGE-712] – Forge has trouble finding some Maven Central artifacts [FORGE-713]...
Forge 1.1.0.Final Released
2012-9-20: George Gastaldi
It is with great pleasure that I announce that JBoss Forge 1.1.0.Final has just been released ! This version is loaded with new features (That’s why we decided to change the minor version – :) ). Check out the Full Release Notes or, if you just want to catch up with...
New Forge Website
2012-7-25: Paul Bakker, Lincoln Baxter III
We have a new website, and would like to thank several of our community members for making this possible. Thanks to… Paul Bakker – for getting the initial project started and doing the plugin search pages Ivan St. Ivanov – for migrating the documentation And many more – for their ideas and help over...