Search for plugins

Installing plugins in Forge is simple - you need only use the built-in `forge find-plugin` and `forge install-plugin` commands to search and install any of the plugins listed below. Alternatively, you may use `forge git-plugin` and `forge source-plugin` to install plugins from third party repositories, or from your local filesystem.

Plugin Author Description
arquillian Paul Bakker Integration Testing Framework
seam-catch Jason Porter Seam Catch Plugin
seam-jms John Ament Seam JMS Plugin
seam-persistence Paul Bakker Seam Persistence Plugin - Easy JPA integration, Seam-managed transactions, transactional annotations
hibernate-tools Max Andersen Database reverse engineering utilities
richfaces Brian Leathem RichFaces Plugin - Streamlines installation of the JBoss RichFaces component library for JSF
ocpsoft-rewrite Lincoln Baxter, III Rewrite Plugin - Streamlines installation of the OCPSoft Rewrite URL-rewriting library for Servlet, Java EE, and Web Frameworks. Also provides streamlined commands for generating configuration providers.
ocpsoft-prettyfaces Lincoln Baxter, III PrettyFaces Plugin - Streamlines installation of the OCPSoft PrettyFaces URL-rewriting library for Servlet, Java EE, and JSF. Also provides streamlined commands for generating configuration and URL-mappings.
jrebel Thomas Hug JRebel Plugin - JRebel integration into build and container (via the Cargo Maven plugin)
seam-reports George Gastaldi Seam Reports Plugin - Reporting engine CDI integration
seam-jcr George Gastaldi Seam JCR Plugin - Seam JCR is a portable extension for CDI to a JCR (Java Content Repository) 2.0 compliant implementation (JSR-283).
osgi Paul Bakker Plugin to simplify Maven Bundle plugin usage
primefaces Rudy De Busscher Streamlines installation of the PrimeFaces component library for JSF
navigation Pablo Palazon Quick project navigation with resources bookmarks
jboss-as-7 Lincoln Baxter, III JBoss AS7 Deployment / Management
gwt-mvp4g Sandro Sonntag Generate full-stack GWT Project (RESTful Services with JAX-RS, Dependeny-Injection with GIN, Bean-Validation, Event-Bus), MVP generation, event wiring, model based UI-Generator and DEV-Mode running
rxlist Pablo Palazon Collect key properties list from source code with regular expressions
slf4j Sandro Sonntag This plugin adds slf4j dependencies to your project and generates a initial logging configuration
openshift Pete Muir Plugins for creating cloud instances, managing existing clouds, and deploying applications to the Red Hat express cloud.
jdf Rafael Benevides Plugin to deal with JDF - JBoss Developer Framework BOMs
formatter Thomas Hug Formats Java code based on predefined settings or an Eclipse formatter XML.
spring Ryan Bradley Plugin to create/configure Spring MVC web applications. This contains both a ScaffoldProvider implementation, to work with the existing ScaffoldPlugin, as well as a SpringPlugin to modify existing projects.
switchyard Keith Babo Plugin to create/configure SwitchYard applications.
undo Jevgeni Zelenkov Reverts changes introduced by other forge commands.
hint George Gastaldi Displays hints based on the current state of the project.
code-quality Paul Bakker Integrate Checkstyle, Findbugs etc.
service-loader Ivan St. Ivanov Create new ServiceLoader service registrations in META-INF/services
zip Adolfo Junior List and find entries in files zip, jar, war and ear. Support for cat command in entries.
jacoco Tomas Remes This plugin provides installing, running and reporting code coverage with JaCoCo.
tomee Romain Manni-Bucau Apache TomEE JavaEE 6 Server
nosqlunit Alex Soto This plugin provides a way to create tests for NoSQL databases using NoSQLUnit .
errai Pavel Slegr This plugin provides a way to create errai project including cdi, bus, jax-rs, ui, cordova.
beanstest Christian Brandenstein Enables simple junit testing with CDI beans. Also supports mockito mock generation and a test persistence setup with hsqldb.
vraptor Rubens Saraiva VRaptor Java MVC Framework
boottheme Florian Hirsch Helps building your own Bootstrap Theme
tree Florian Hirsch Simple implementation of the tree command
angularjs Vineet Reynolds AngularJS Scaffold-X Provider. Enables scaffolding of AngularJS applications based on JPA entities.
arquillian-extension Jérémie Lagarde Integration Testing Framework Extension for Arquillian Plugin
picketlink George Gastaldi PicketLink is an umbrella project for security and identity management for Java Applications
nazgul Lennart Jörelid The Nazgul Framework project holds a collection of best-practices and sensible configurations enabling you to start projects quickly and scale them considerably without having to change the development or deployment model.
netty George Gastaldi Netty is an asynchronous event-driven network application framework for rapid development of maintainable high performance protocol servers & clients